Parent Resources

Helping you do family better.

What's New: Cell Phone Agreement

Most of us are attached to our phones more than we’d like to admit. Sometimes, we even call people with them. We want to equip your family with this downloadable resource to help you talk about what a healthy relationship with your phone looks like. In this Cell Phone Agreement, we’ve put together some expectations for caregivers and kids to talk through—both for how/when a kid uses their phone, and for how/when a caregiver uses theirs.


/kyoo/ n.

Something serving as a signal to begin a performance.

We’re not an encyclopedia or exhaustive training course on making your kids “turn out”. This is a cue. A prompt. Because really, we know you’re already busy doing all you can to invest in your kids and help them on their way to adulthood. But it’s not always easy to stay focused. Our goal is to make it easy for you to remember what’s important.

No one has more potential to influence your child than you.

Click to Download the Parent Cue App

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