Add to Mobile

Add to your mobile device.

Save To Your Home Screen

For instructions on how to put on your device, select the type of device you are using below:


Android Device (Chrome Browser)

1) Open Chrome and type as the web address.

2) Open the menu (three vertical dots to the right of the web address) and select Add to Home Screen.

3) You will then be given the option to rename the icon. Keep the text provided or change it and then touch Add. You're done!


iOS Device (Safari Browser)

1) Open Safari and type as the web address.

2) At the bottom of the screen you'll see an icon depicting an arrow that looks like it's trying to get away from a square. Tap this button.

3) Once tapped you will have a few options. Scroll until you see the "Add to Home Screen" option. Select this one.

4) You'll be asked to name the home screen icon. Choose a name and you're done!