Beach Baptisms on July 28

Family Dedication

Family Dedication is Sunday, October 6.

We are excited that you are interested in dedicating your child to the Lord. The purpose of Family Dedication is for parents to present their child before God and the church, committing to seek after His grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities.

No one will have more influence on your child than you! We believe that what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. It is our hope that we can partner with you from the very beginning. We want to be your biggest fans, your strongest supporters, and your trusted guides as you raise your child to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.”

This is more than a dedication on stage. Family Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of your children. It’s also a time for you, as parents, to commit to model what following Jesus looks like and to raise your children to understand that they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to believe that the Bible is absolute Truth, and to know the importance of committing to a community of faith through the local church.

*Please note Family Dedication is only open to church members. In order to become a church member, check our Membership page.

Here are 4 steps to take for Family Dedication