Why do we have Small Groups?
At Fort Caroline, Small Groups are vital to our 4Gs model of discipleship (Gather - Give - Grow - Go). The main purpose of Small Groups is to create a sense of Christian community in 4 ways…
- Laughing together - our Small Groups place a priority on creating a comfortable, fun environment during their gatherings.
- Studying together - our Small Groups emphasize reading the Bible together and helping one another understand the Bible.
- Serving together - our Small Groups make a difference in the world by being on mission together through various ministry projects.
- Suffering together - our Small Groups pray for one another, help one another, care for another when sick and/or in the hospital, and weep with one another during times of grief.
How many people are in a Small Group?
A Small Group has 6 to 20 adults. Smaller than that is just a dinner party; larger and you’re probably just starting a new church.
When do our Small Groups meet?
Our Small Groups meet weekly during the school year. Groups can meet whenever and wherever it is convenient for all the group members.
Due to summer schedules, many of our Small Groups take the summer off, Memorial Day weekend through the start of public school in August (about 12 weeks). Similarly, Small Groups also take a break during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (about 6 weeks). Groups might meet once during the holiday break for a Christmas party or a meal. During the summer, Small Groups might gather a couple of times at the beach or at someone’s home for a cookout.
Where do our Small Groups meet?
Small Groups meet both in homes or on campus. Our goal is to make Small Groups as accessible as we can, so we encourage you to find a group location that works best for you!
What about childcare for families with young children?
Childcare can be an issue for Small Groups, so we offer reimbursement from our church budget for childcare. Once a month, groups can receive a reimbursement of $10 per hour per childcare worker to help cover the expense of paying them. While this won’t cover the total cost of paying for childcare, it will help to offset the cost of childcare.